Business credit cards are an excellent way to earn points and miles. Business expenses can be much higher than day-to-day transactions, offering you more opportunities to earn free travel. But as travel might not be at the forefront of your mind when opening a new card, it’s easy to jump on the first one available.
If you give yourself a moment to check your options, the Capital One Spark Miles could emerge as a top contender. It’s designed with small businesses in mind, offers a sizeable intro bonus, and makes earning easy with Capital One’s trademark flat rates.
You can earn 50,000 points after spending $4,500 in the first three months of opening the card, as well as 2 x points per dollar on all purchases. While other cards offer specialized high-earning categories for things like marketing materials, the Spark removes any confusion and ensures everything from a team coffee order to stationary is earning 2 points per dollar.
Of course, the bonus is all yours as the boss. And it can grab you:
Business Class Roundtrip from JFK to LAX
Two Economy Roundtrips from LAX to Honolulu
Economy Roundtrip from the US to Europe
The first $95 annual fee is waived to sweeten the deal, and employee cards can be added for free. For a small biz owner, it’s a strong option.