Who could be mad about new perks? JetBlue is updating its TrueBlue loyalty program and will give travelers new ways to earn points and status.
The program was revamped to give customers, even those who only travel every once in a while, a way to earn points. Jayne O’Brien, the head of marketing and loyalty at JetBlue explained, “No two travelers are alike, which is why we’ve redesigned TrueBlue to let customers customize their perks as they soar toward Mosaic status, choosing the ones that are most valuable to them along the way.” This means you can reap the rewards before you’ve earned the status.
What’s changing?
The same JetBlue perks and rewards points will still be in place but the updated program will include expanded and customizable perks. The program also gives passengers the chance to enjoy perks before they’ve earned JetBlue’s Mosaic status.
How to earn ‘Tiles’
The airline will use ‘tiles’ to track and measure travelers’ progress toward Mosaic status and for every 10 Tiles until they reach 50, flyers will be able to choose a new perk. Customers will earn 1 Tile for every $100 spent on flights and vacation packages. They can also earn 1 Tile per $1,000 spent on their branded credit cards.
Some of the perks include:
Early boarding
Priority security
An alcoholic drink onboard
A JetBlue Vacations bonus package
5,000-point bonus
New Levels
The New York-based carrier is also introducing new tiers to its Mosaic program. They will have four different levels and travelers earn different perks based on what tier they have earned. To be at Mosaic level 1 you’ll need 50 tiles while Mosiac 4 requires 250 tiles.
When will the changes go into effect?
The changes are set to be implemented in the spring of 2023. For more info, read more here.