California’s Air Resources Board is set to pass a proposal that would ban the sale of fossil fuel-powered vehicles by 2035.
While the proposal is only being considered in California right now, it could likely affect other states and the world. It’s not cost-effective for manufacturers to produce different vehicles for one state, so California’s new standards could set the standard for cars shipped around the world.
Though the proposal outlines interim plans and milestones for how to reach this goal by 2035, the real challenge will lie in the rollout. While efforts like California’s are expected to fast track electric vehicle production, many industry experts believe it will be a challenge for carmakers to manufacture enough zero-emissions vehicles by that deadline.
Even if the cars are made in time, the proposal doesn’t removed replace gasoline cars already on the road. It also may be a challenge to convince drivers to replace their cars with greener vehicles.
Still, some car manufacturers like Ford seem to be on board with the new rule as many of them have turned to focus on the electric-car market in the past few years, with its 2022 F-150 selling out due to high demand.